Thursday, December 23, 2010


Heyhey boys and girls! What's up?
Haha Swiftkaratechop intro. Sneaky sneaky Ella.
So yes, I changed the title. I felt like change... And the title of this blog no longer applies to me. Mostly. My life has changed quite a bit since I created this in what... May? April? Who knows. Little 7th grader turned 8th grader, more mature (sort of, hehe), and the URL "catching up with him" isn't for me anymore. I've caught up.
But life still isn't perfect. It never will be for a while, I think. Not until I smooth out some wrinkles, and clear up some smudges. And decide what I really want, and what's better for me.
Wow. That? was deep. I've also thought about getting a Twitter, just to follow my favorite YouTubers and reply to them and stuff. That's really it though. I need more reasons than that.
Ah, listening to The Maine live right now.
I should go. Adieu.

Loves, Ella

Monday, December 20, 2010

Um... I'm sorry?

Sorry I haven't posted in like a month! I kept thinking, "I should post something today." But I never did.
Apology over, I don't like to grovel.
Listen to this song. It's seriously the best thing I've heard in a while. And while you're at it, check out this kid if you haven't already heard of him:
Greyson Chance. Awesome kid, I have no idea how old he is. People said 11, then 12, then I heard 13. Whatevaaaa :D


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Black Ops

Ok. Black Ops for X-Box 360. It came out recently. You shoot, blow up, and generally kill people with large guns, assorted grenades, and rocket launchers. And, for a bonus feature, the place the trailer "There's a Soldier in All of Us" is set in looks like Afghanistan. Um, what the shat? Seriously? This is retarded. I don't have a problem with video games, in fact I love Zelda, but this is stupid. I'm not gonna go full steam on the "teaching kids that violence is fun" speech, but jesus. I maybe biased 'cause I don't like war games, but this seems a little over the top.
Thanks for "listening" to that rant. If you read it all, I love you and you're a trooper.

Love, Ella

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Christofer Drew and the Shout?

Um... Weird news. Never Shout Never is now "Christofer Drew and the Shout", or C Drew and the Shout.
I guess it's ok. But I liked Never Shout Never better. It used to be C Drew and the Shout just for the tours, but now it's always that.
Here's what he said in an interview about how he's going more rock-y on the next album:

You’ve said you’re going to go in a rock direction with your next record. Why? I’m kind of sick of this band and the negative connotations with the band. I want to start over and start something new. I think people have the wrong idea about us. I want to bust out the Stratocaster and play some feel-good @#!*% . I’m just a kid playing music. There’s a bunch of kids playing music, and if (my fans) are really into this acoustic stuff, they can find 100 other kids doing it.
Yup. Whatever, if he wants to, he wants to. He also has grown a mustache. A small one. That was weird for me, but he likes mustaches. I do too, but fake ones. Oh well.
Love, Ella:3

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's November.

Happy November! A little later, but whatever.
So, what's up? Here's what's happening with moi:
1) My AY project is due on the 8th. I hope I finish it...
2) I met a very hot individual guy on Omegle when I slept over at Daisy's house with Serika. He was kind of a ginger, but not really, and looked like a 8th grader from last year. Except hot. He was lying down with no shirt on (wink wink) and we didn't have mikes on (it was nighttime wherever he was) and so we just kind of smiled at each other a few times and talked about music. One time he said "my dad is coming in oh no!" and he closed the laptop so I got a nice view of his chest before it closed... For like 3 minutes it was just black then he came back, and I was like "lol that was close" and he was like "yeah", but like a minute later he left suddenly. I guess his dad came in or something. But he was very hot. And I met a nice guy who was 18 named Kyle. He was very nice.
3) I don't know... I like cookies? :D
4) Jerry hasn't answered my questions on Formspring in a while... I'm kinda sad.
5) I want a nickasaur! shirt. Like super badly. They're really cute... I'll have a picture on the side of the text.

Yupps! Listening to nickasaur!, working on my Ay... Life is pretty good, despite the science.



Friday, October 29, 2010

Little Short Story

Ok, so I'm a devout vegetarian. And today, I didn't notice that there was chicken in my pad thai until I chewed it up. Of course I spat it out right away, but I felt super depressed and sick. I go downstairs, lock myself in my room, sit a few minutes and sort of sulk, then go on YouTube onto Comifcire7's channel. Instant happiness... I feel so much better. Thank you Jordan :)

Just sayin', people.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Officially the Best Night EVAR.

Oh my god, that was seriously the best night of my life. We missed Carter Husley, and half of I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business. I wanted to see Carter Husley, and I was texting Serika and she said he was great! So that made me sad. I didn't really care about I Can Make a Mess (etc), and when we got there, we watched about two songs, then went and waited in the merch line. We could hear them just fine, lol.
The Warfield is surprisingly small! I liked it though. There was a balcony with seats and a few tables, I think, then there was the General Admission pit where people stood, and then tables and a bar. Anna's dad sat at the table, while Sydney and Anna and I stood outside the pit during The Maine (WHO ROCKED!!) but we went into the pit during Never Shout Never.
The Maine was really really REALLY good. The lead singer wore skinny jeans, cowboy boots, and a bathrobe! It was hilarious! And he talked to the crowd, and threw back the bras girls threw on stage (lol!), and was really nice to the fans in front. He asked them if they were ok, and this one girl who must have looked faint or something, he bent down and asked her if she was ok. She must have been like "Yeah, now that you just talked to me!" It was really sweet! So they rocked live. I have to get more iTunes money to buy their songs coz I have none! The songs I recognized and sang along to were "The Right Girl" and "Girls Do What They Want". They played a lot more, but I didn't know the lyrics.
And then came along Christofer Drew.
Oh my god. Chris was so good live! Best thing was, he was really happy! Like, smiling and dancing around the stage and even hopping! Which I didn't think he would do, because on the Warped Tour 2010 he was hopping during a song, and he hurt his ankle.
Everyone, like, screamed the lyrics to the songs, but he had the mike of course so we all heard him. First he played "Harmony", then "Love is Our Weapon". And I think it was the last chorus (where he goes "HEY!") when confetti and banners fell on the pit! It was great! Then, I think he played "I Just Laugh", then a reggae version of "Trouble", then "I Love You More Than You Will Ever Know", then "Piggy Bank", I think next was "I Love You 5", (I'm sure I'm missing some songs -- he played about thirteen) then Bigcitydreams, and during the last verse (this middle west town is gonna miss you), he hopped up on the speaker at the left corner of the stage, threw away the mike, and pointed at us, and we all screamed/sang the last lyrics. That song was supposed to be last, but then everyone was screaming "One more song!", so he came out and played The Past. And that was it!
I can't explain how awesome it was. I really can't. Maybe, if I get Serika to send me the videos she tape don her Flip, I'll post them. I was taping The Maine on my phone, but right before Chris came on it died! I know, right? Fml.
So I bought a Love is Our Weapon tee-shirt, and since all I had was $20 that's all I could buy. But Sydney bought me a What Is Love wristband that I am NEVER EVER gonna stop wearing. And, when the confetti fell? It turned out that some guitar picks fell down too! I found one on the floor. It says "C Drew and the Shout" on one side, and a peace sign on the other. Anna got hit with one (hehe) that says "Harmony" (the album name) on one side, and a drawing of the earth with a #1 on it.

It was just great. Wow. I love you Chris. I love you The Maine. But I especially love Chris.

Obai peeps!


Thursday, October 21, 2010




And my mom isn't gonna be driving, because for some reason she didn't get a ticket (lol). So she won't be Tasering any guy who comes within 10 feet of me! Yay! Coz there might be some hot guys there... (Wink wink.)

Ha. I'm not gonna hook up with someone. Anna's dad is gonna be there. So my mom will drop me off at her house, we'll get ready, then go get Sydney, and go to the city and eat dinner, then walk (ugh) to the concert. IT IS GONNA BE AWESOME. Nuff said.

And we're gonna meet Daisy and Serika there, and we're gonna text each other to find where they are in the Warfield so maybe we could run over and stuff. AHH. I'M SO. EXCITED. WHEEEE!

I should go before I spazz out.



Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hai there everyone! Its me! Um... Yay!
So, I haven't posted in a while. Here's what's going on:
1) The NSN concert! Anna, Sydney, and I are going, and Daisy and Serika are too, but we aren't sitting together coz we have separate tickets and shtuff. But we'll wave at each other! Yay!
2) The Halloween tour! It'll be fun! We get to skip school! Yay!
3) I started drawing manga faces! I have no idea why. I suck at drawing but for some reason I can draw pretty good manga! Weird shit, man.
4) The science project.... Ugh, it's not fun. I'm SO sick of making cheese, it takes FOREVER and its boring once you've done it more than twice. I have to do it I think 4 more times. Blehh.
5) Literature circle in English class... Nick, and a few other peeps and I are reading a book called Peaceful Private. It's pretty depressing! In like the first 15 pages his dad gets squished by a tree! :D
6) School. Blehhh. Nuff said.
7) I've become like a "regular" on Jerry's Formspring... Hehe! Daisy thinks it's creepy. I don't see why! I actually care what he says. I ask him a question or two every day. He answers one... Maybe every week? I don't know. But it's nice when he does. I feel like he cares, although I'm just some anonymous girl who likes him a lot. Whatever!

Yups, lots more but not interesting(ish). Ok byee!



Friday, October 8, 2010

Hey There!

Hi people! As you can see (or probably not coz one reads this, but when I'm famous and we have touch-sensitive technology on walls, you will rescue this blog and show it to the public. You just wait.) I changed my name to Ella:3. Yeah, I was tired of Ellsa Bellsa, and I felt like using my real name.
Yupp! I'm in love... Jerry and I are getting married in the summer. The theme is buttery yellow and light blue... our favorite colors. <3
Daisy's gonna be one of the bridesmaids... Lol. We'll see how that turn out. I LOVE YOU DAISY!
I made a picture in Tech today! It's amazing. I know. I need to resize it, coz it's a little too big, but when I'm done it will be even better. I love Photoshop! I really wish I had a Mac, SO bad. I'll post the picture on the side!
I also made a poster-thingy that had a ton of vegetarian things, like "vegetarian and proud" and the Japanese characters for vegetarian... It's pretty awesome. But I need to fix a few things, then I'll post it too.
Ok, I'ma go eat some snacks now. Bye peeps! Love you all!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nobel Prize for Physics!

Ohai there! I'm very bored and am procrastinating! Pretty cool yo:D
My science homework is to write about the Physics Nobel Prize winner. Who is it? Lemme google him, hold on.


It's two dudes! Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov won the Physics Nobel Prize! That's pretty fly, yo! Lol Daisy reference.

Byebye peeps, homework calls!



Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ella Loves Someone New

OfficalBAMF. Yeah! He's awesome. I just started watching his videos today and he's so cool!
And the best thing is that he's 15! It seems like a ton of the YouTubers I like are 17 and higher. But he's 15 which is frickin' awesome!
Daisy always shows me the best YouTubers. Ella loves chu Daiseh! <3
Ok, go check out Jerry. Or die:D



Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy October!

Happy October everyone! Hope you guys have a fantastic month:)

Ok, what's happening this month:
1) The Never Shout Never concert
2) Halloween
3) My orchestra's tour of the elementary schools
4) Uh... That's it, I think:)



Monday, September 27, 2010

Hello Tharrr!

Latest obsessions!
1) Christofer Drew
2) Destery Moore
3) Jayden Seeley
4) Jordan Romani (comicfire7) *NEW ADDITION!*
5) Nathan Owens

So Jordan Romani is yet another YouTuber... And god! Is he funny. He makes videos on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I wait for them now. Amazing-ness is posted! Haha I'm such a weirdo. I "follow" him on Twitter. (I don't have a Twitter but I check his Twitter once and a while.)
Yayy! Ok bye.


Ellsa Bellsa

Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's a Holiday!

I know you're all thinking "No, it's not a holiday!".
Well, it is! It's "Talk Like A Pirate Day"!
Arr! And stuff! (Lol.)
I wish it was on a school day so I could wear my pirate hat. Oh well. :)
So, an update on the Never Shout Never concert:
Who's gonna play: Never Shout Never and The Maine featuring I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business and Carter Hulsey.
Who's coming: Anna Maria and I for sure, maybe Julia, Anna's dad and maybe my mom to chaperon.
Who's coming separately: Daisy and Serika (maybe).



Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hi Homies!

Yeah, don't ask why I said homies.
One thing to say: I OWN at FreeRice. Here's the link for you smarticles like me:

Yups! Kbye peeps.



Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Hey there everyone, it's me! Long time no... see? Type? Whatever.
So, I have great news. My mom said I could go to the Never Shout Never concert!
Yeah! And even free tickets, coz my friend Anna's dad's employee has a friend who works at The Regency Ballroom (where the concert is) and says he can get us free tickets!
My friends Daisy and Serika are going separately, but Julia and I (who are hopefully going together) and Anna are getting free tickets! Yesss!
My mom and Anna's mom are chaperoning (ugh) but hey, at least I'm going!
Yuhs, I'ma see you peeps later.



Monday, September 6, 2010

New Halloween Costume!

So you know how I was totally obsessed with being a princess for Halloween? Well today my mom and I went to the fabric store, and there were no good princess outfits. So instead I am being...

Drum roll if you please...

An Italian carnival noble-woman!
Long name, I know. I don't know what to really call it.
But we got the fabric today. Most of it is this really rich dark green, and the center (like, from my waist to the floor in the middle of the skirt) is silver. And the bodice is this really yummy cream color.
It's sexily amazing.
I gotta go, see you later!



Sunday, September 5, 2010

Why Hello There:)

Hi! I just sent an email to Jayden of YouTube, saying how I like him and that he should do more covers off of Harmony by Never Shout Never.
Yup! I'm not a stalker, his email was on his channel. Don't judge.
So yeah, I have nothing to say. Story of my life.
My allergies are SUPER bad right now, and I'm always sniffing. It sucks.
Yeah, bye peeps.


Saturday, September 4, 2010


Just though I'd say hello. Happy September everyone!
I am in love. With two people.
1. Chris Drew. Of course.
2. Jayden Seeley. He's on YouTube and he does covers of songs. I seem to have a weakness for musicians. He's SO CUTE! Here's a link to his best cover I think:
Yay! Watch it. If you don't, I will hunt you down and eat you. No, first I'll tell a room full of 5 year olds that you don't like Justin Bieber, then throw you in and lock the door. Then burn the remains of you. Bahaha!
And I also uploaded a new video today. It's pretty random. Here ya go:
Yupps! Cya peeps later.



Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Ok, I'm done yelling. :)

But really! His music is so great... and it's true. Like, his song "Lousy Truth" is about his girlfriend dumping him or something. And "The Past" is about where he grew up and how much his life sucked. And how he smoked when he was 16 to "find an escape from this town that was so mean to me". It's a really sad song.
Ok, enough. But I AM GOING. NO ONE CAN STOP ME. Except maybe my mom and dad, who are the only ones in the family who can drive. Heh heh.
Oh! And my science project is gonna be about tofu. Yay veggies!



Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hey guys! I found this great guy on YouTube, probably 16 or so, who plays drums, guitar, and sings. He's really great and friended me a few days ago. You should definitely check him out! Here's the link to my favorite song of his:

It's really good. But don't worry Cooper, I won't run away with him... Yet.
Just kidding, love you!



Thursday, August 26, 2010

Haven't Posted in a Long Time!

Hi guys! Ok, so you can guess this, but I'm definitely not gonna post every day like I did over the summer and stuff.
I totally miss Jooles and Kate! The orchestra is so lonely without them... I even miss Logan! And that is sure weird. But now Madderz and I are first chair! Yay! And we're gonna stay there! No uppity 7th graders! But they're great minions... Brandon's already asked me a question! I felt so... Leader-full. Yeah. That's right. Leader-full.
I have to go, math homework. On the 2nd day of school! Gah!

Busy Luvvvsss


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happier Than Yesterday!

Dun worry, I'm in a better mood now. A lot better mood. I mean, I'm still not happy that I a) didn't get the awesome hoodie, b) have a rash on my head, and c) should clean my room, but I'm a lot better than yesterday. I drank a smoothie. It was good. :)
I'm happier because in my picture my mom checked the "Add Retouching" box (it's actually a bubble but whatever), so in theory my rash will disappear! Poof! Big yay for technology.
So I think I'm gonna go change (I'm wearing booty shorts and a tee-shirt)... Moisturize my face... Eat something, coz I can't survive on a strawberry smoothie.
Ok, bye! See you later today, peepies!



Monday, August 23, 2010

Life Truly Sucks.

The sun is shining, and the birds are singing... AND SCHOOL STARTS WEDNESDAY.

My last day of summer is seriously sucking: I woke up, had absolutely NOTHING to read, remembered that I went all the way to SF to Loyal Army in a traffic jam and they said they DIDN'T HAVE the hoodie I KNEW they had, remembered that it was the last day of summer, actually cried a little (I'm emotional in the morning), ate a cookie and some chocolate cake to try to make myself feel better, just made myself feel sick, read Just So Stories (for the hundredth time), was bored out of skull, went and took a shower, looked in mirror and saw I have a band of red, dry skin across my forehead from this cream I was using, kicked the wall, hurt my toes, put moisturizing stuff on my face, went and sulked for about 10 minutes, played my viola which made me feel better, ruined my mood by remembering that I have a viola lesson at 6:30 today, sulked for 5 more minutes, and then turned on my computer and started typing this.

So I don't have the hoodie I wanted, and the only reason why I was sort of looking forward to picture day was because I was going to wear it.
Ok, I'll go coz you don't want to hear me whine anymore.

Extremely unhappy luvvvsss


Sunday, August 22, 2010


Oh my god hanging with you guys yesterday was super fun! We have to do it again!! MUST!!!
Hehe. Don't mind my insanity.
So I went school supplies shopping for my bro and me a little, then my mom and I went to Loyal Army to get a hoodie that I desperately want and a extremely belated birthday present for anonymous. Haha, can't say. But the hoodie I DESPERATELY wanted wasn't there! I was so pissed off! Gah!
It grey and has little storm clouds and white clouds on it, and is SO awesome, but they didn't have it!!! I asked the dude at the front desk, and he... Well, I don't remember if he said they didn't have it or not, but they had one with short sleeves and a BLUE background. Useless!
So my mom and I got the present, and a bag for my cousin Emily's birthday.
ok, I gotta go. I'm making vegetarian chili that is SUPER good!



Saturday, August 21, 2010


Hey guys! I'm leaving in like 10 minutes to go pick up Holly and Maddie to go to Starbucks! Yay!
Yeah, there you are.
I was too lazy to wash the huge poofiness out of my hair, so I just straightened it. Works well!



Friday, August 20, 2010


Tomorrow's the Starbucks trip! Yeeee!
Oh, and no one reads this, but I'm gonna say anyway. Emily's bringing her friend Clara (she used to go to our elementary school but moved), and I hope you guys don't mind. I said on the phone: "Yeah! It's fine! The more people the better!" I hope you guys think so!
I made cookies today. Yommy.
Oh! Here's what I'm wearing (like it matters really) to Starbucks:
My new grey skinny jeans which are the most comfortable pants evar!!
My EPIC tee-shirt I got for my birthday. You'll see what I mean by "EPIC".
My Uggs (I'm miserable when my feet are cold).
And hopefully my brother's jacket that I ADORE. I only bought it for him coz I wanted to wear it, but he likes it too.
I wish I could've gone shopping today so I could get new shoes AND a hoodie, but I'm going on Sunday. You guys'll see me in all my new clothes the 24th!
See you tomorrow! :D



Thursday, August 19, 2010

Vampires Suck

Ok guys! The Starbucks trip is almost here... I'm not gonna spazz out about it though.
Oh! My cousin gave me the cutest shirt from Japan... I'm gonna wear it to Starbucks so y'all can see it!
OH MY GOD! Have you guys seen the trailer for Vampires Suck? IT LOOKS AWESOME!! I have have HAVE to see it. If you haven't, here's the link to the trailer:

Haha, super long. But OH MY GOD is it funny.
Ok, bye you guys.



Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ok I Know

I know that this is the same day, and I never do that but...
WTF? Why didn't anyone tell me my age-mate cousin Sean and my uncle from Japan were visiting today?
Ok, ok, I know my dad said that they just decided to come here, but I though they would stay with my grandma in SF!
Gah! I don't have a problem with them or anything, but whatever.



Hi Guys!

Hi guys! Today I made a cake! I named it (and not without good reason) "Yumalicious Chocolate Cake". Seriously. That's what I wrote at the top of the recipe. In case I haven't said before, I'm a baker. And a good one, (or so everyone says who eats my cakes).
It's for the Dandekars, who watched the guinea pigs while we were in Canada. And when we got back, there was a big basket of fruit and chocolate waiting for us!
Well, they're super nice, so I made them a cake and my mom made little giftbag-y things.
Yup! I'm waiting to get purple nail polish so I can paint my toes again. I'm tired (believe it or not) of sparkly blue.



Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hey peeps!
Haha, I paused for like half a minute there to wonder what to say next.
I can't wait until Starbucks! I REALLY have missed all you peoplez. The only friends I've seen all summer are Maddie, Holly, Sydney and Anna Maria. So maybe that's a lot. But I have more peeps! Daisy! Cooper! Paloma! Emily! I haven't seen you guys AAAAALL summer! I just can't wait to se you guys. Even though I'll only see some of you at Starbucks, and the rest on Picture Day! Grrr I can't believe they're making picture day the day before school starts! Even though we're getting our schedules that day.
Hey! Since we'll all be there, maybe after that we could all go to Swirl or someplace and compare schedules! (And moan about school starting.)
Awwight, see you guys later!



Monday, August 16, 2010

Hellooooooooz Guys!

Hi! I can't wait until Sunday... Starbucks with mah peeps! So now I'm going with Cooper, Maddie, Holly, and Emily! I wish Anna Maria and Daisy could come... But Daisy's in West Virginia and Anna Maria's coming back from Chicago that day. Oh well... We can always go after school (URGH). School... I don't want it to happen.
I have an awesome little idea floating in my head that 8th grade is gonna be nice an easy... especially the math... but NO. Then another evil little idea comes and pops that fantasy... ALGEBRA. Grrrr how I hate it!
Ok, that sounded like I was high on something.
Oh... Tam High starts on Wednesday! Poor highschoolers.
Yeah... I'm gonna play Sims. My character died of old age... So I'm making a new person.



Sunday, August 15, 2010


Hi! I'm listening to "Bigcitydreams" by Never Shout Never! I really love this song... and the music video is epic! Look it up, it's all one word: bigcitydreams.
I went shopping today and bought... (drum roll please - extra points if you actually drum on a surface)...

One pair of jeans. Wow.

Yeah, pretty sad. But they are AMAZINGLY comfortable and grey. Yeah.
I'm also gonna get new shoes. I think purple converse. I saw some at the Macy's at Northgate (that's where we went) and they were pretty awesome.
Ok guys! I'm gonna play Sims now. Actually, I don't think I am. I'm gonna read.
Okees, bye.



Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Found One!

Hey guys, I found one of the princess dresses! But NOT the blue one!! It's pink, and I took a short video of it that I'll post.
But where could the blue one be? I found the pink one in the costume box (Halloween costumes), and I thought the blue one would be there, but it wasn't! I'm gonna have to ask my mom where it could be.
Dammit! Well, here's the video.



Friday, August 13, 2010

Hi Peeps.

Hey guys. I'm just saying that I did absolutely NOTHING today.
I'm hungry. Bye!



Thursday, August 12, 2010

Brainless Activities.

Hi peeps. My brother got his teeth pulled today... Don't know how many or why. Godddd he looks miserable but he's really fine, fine enough to make jokes and stuff (without talking though, he's not allowed).
Yeah, I'm about to play The Sims 3. All day I've been on the couch reading and eating leftover pizza (yummy), and I just decided to go do something else brainless. But I might force myself to clean my room, even though it's pretty clean. Maybe my desk, then. It covered in books and pencils/pens and folders... Total mess.
I can't wait to find that dress! Yeeeeeeeeee!!!! :DDDDD
Oh, I had a dream about hanging out with Destery Moore. It was awesome.



Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Hi guys! What's up? I'm sitting wearing 2 pairs of socks and my Ugg boots, and a towel wrapped around my head. My feet are FREEZING and I just took a shower. That helped but now my hair is cold and wet. D:
I just wish the weather would get better.
Oh! Oh! I already know what I'm going to be for Halloween! A princess!
It's a pretty long story, but here we go:
When I was 5ish, like all other girls, I wanted to be a princess. My mom was a seamstress in college, and she makes all my Halloween costumes. Of course, sometimes Halloween was too far away, so I would demand that she make a princess dress. According to her, there were 2 or 3. A pink dress, a blue one, and maybe there was another. But the one I remember was the blue! It was silky and smooth, and there were fake diamonds and a big centerpiece blue (plastic) jewel in the center of the shirt. To me, it was the most glamerous thing in the world. I wore it a LOT. Like, to the point of "Come on, honey, it's bedtime, take off the dress." "No, no, no! I'm a pwincess!"
Well. I had my ideas, and she had hers. Lets say that her logic won over mine.
But I know for a fact that my mom keeps the costumes she made (and still makes) for me in a box in the garage. So I am going to find that glamerous blue dress, and make another, except a lot bigger, of course.
Yeah! And I can't wait to find it. I'll take a picture of it and post it when I find it, I promise.



Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I have to make lists to make myself do anything at all in the summer. See, I have this weird compulsion to do stuff on lists, and make lists, (I might be slightly OCD), so I write down stuff I need to do and put check boxes beside them, and when I see the list I feel like I should do something. Haha, I'm tricking my subconscious.
I went to Target and Bed, Bath, and Beyond (haha I first spelled it as Beth, Bad, and Beyond) to look for an electric blanket with my mom and bro, cuz in my mom and dad's bedroom its super cold at night, and the sheets are cold so my mom wanted to buy one. But, sadly, neither Target or BBB (I just don't want to write that again) had some!
A completely failed shopping experience, as my family calls them.
Okees, I'ma go eat something now.



Monday, August 9, 2010


Hey what's up you guys! That's what Shane Dawsonn says in his videos. I dunno, I just wanted to use it.
So I heard yesterday that now Daisy is a vegetarian! I'm starting a trend! It's easier than people would think, as long as you like tofu, which I do. Last night for dinner my family had chicken, and I made tandoori (curry) tofu with roasted tomatos. Super good. I might send the recipe to Daisy coz it took like 10 minutes to make, and 15 to roast. And it was colorful! In case you non-foodies don't know, tandoori is an Indian curry spice that's red, but when you BBQ/roast/whatever, it turns pink! Like, bright pink. Very nice.
Okees, I'll go now. All I'm doing is playing Sims 3 with my new peeps. I made a young adult who would look like me except with different glasses and long blue-highlighted hair, and her name is Cindy. Maybe if I can figure it out, I'll post a picture. She lives with her pimp boyfriend, who I named Nick (no relation to Nick Mendler, don't worry) cuz he flirts with everyone, including guys! Bi pimp. :D
Ok, now I'll REALLY go.



Sunday, August 8, 2010


Hi! So today I went to the climbing gym (Planet Granite in SF - go on Sundays and you'll see me there) and worked out. Weights, push-ups, and stretching. I've had really thin arms since forever, and I want to tone them up more. I used to have tricep muscles (I have to admit - they looked really sexy), but then we stopped going for a while and I lost them. D: So I'm getting them back! My arms are super sore. My routine was twenty (don't worry - only 3 lb. weights) tricep lifts (dunno what to call 'em), ten girl push-ups, and then ten 5 lb. normal weight lifting for biceps.
Hooray! Lots of parentheses! (Hehehe!)



Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ok FYI here.

So just like that "but why is ur hair black?" thing, I'm part of a thingy called Formspring. You ask your friends questions and you have your own page and stuff. It's fun, you guys should sign up and follow me! Search me as TEHellsabellsa ok? And I connected Blogger to it. I'm getting rid of it, don't worry. Nothing like that will pop up again.


but why is ur hair black?

but why is ur hair black?

Answer here


Hi everyone! I just got back roughly an hour ago from Canada! it was nice and warm there, and sunny, and REEEEEEALLY nice... and I get home and its fricking FOGGY. Grawr!
So I missed you all, and you should get postcards from Canada. I'm saying this now cuz it takes AGES to send stuff from Canada to CA, so mebbe you JUST got them. Whatevs.
I have to go pick up my guinea pigs from their little hotel at my bro's friend's house.
Luvs ya all!


Thursday, July 15, 2010


Ok everyone, tomorrow I'm off and away! So I'm just sayin' goodbye!
Yups! I'll miss you all SO MUCH but I'm sure you'll all have a good time without me, and you won't die without my company:D
Ok! I really have to go and do last-minute stuff. ILYASFMICD (I love you all so f*cking much I could die)

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I'm leaving for Canada on Friday morning! It's gonna be so fun... It always is! Except for that one summer where I missed all my friends and was sad... But that was for only like 2 days! it's impossible to be unhappy at Canada! :DDDDD
So! I'm starting to pack today! I got out mah big black suitcase (it's actually not that big but whatever) and am gonna look at the list my mom left my brother and I and pack! Oh, but tomorrow night I have to drop off the guinea pigs at Miles's friends house, where they stay while we're gone. I'm gonna miss them... But I always do so I get over it.
Haha, now I hear them squeaking and doing the little purring thing they doo when they're upset. Here's a message from Aphrodite:
She has such talent for standing on the keyboard:D Although I did put "enter"s in between some.
Lol now she's looking at me all confused. I'll put her back in teh cage, she feels so much safer in there.
Awight, I'll post tomorrow (I hope) saying goodbye for 3 weeks! And if I can't post tomorrow, here's my goodbye!
Byebyebye everyone, luvs to you all, I'ma miss all of you, I'll send postcards to people if I have their adresses, so Anna expect one, and Cooper if you comment and leave your adress I'll send you one too, or I'll just look it up in the phonebook, bye everyone!!! <3

Monday, July 12, 2010


Wow, I paused there like 30 seconds wondering what to say next. Fail.
Yeah! I went rock climbing yesterday and MAN are my arms sore. And I ruined my nails. D: They were so pretty and yellow! Oh well, it had to happen someday.
Yah, I really have nothing to say.

Ella, who luvs you and adores you cuz no one else does.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hey guys, just saying hi. Life is fine, guinea pigs are fat (well they always were chubby) and my room is clean! I'm getting paid $20 for cleaning the car with my brother. We're all getting ready for Canada!
Also, today I cleaned out my bookshelf. It's so lonely, and emptier than I've ever seen it! I got rid of all the kids books that I never read, and if I do, I don't really enjoy them. It was kinda sad, cuz as y'all know, I'm a total bookworm and I luuuv books.
I have to go already, to set the table.
Oh! And I'm trying to find a new way to sign off, other than "BYEEEE!" cuz it sounds like I'm hyper or something. Today I'm gonna try this one, that I heard from Julia.

Ella, who luvs you and adores you cuz no one else does.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


This morning my dad and I dropped my cousin Emily off at the SF airport. She has to go back to Japan and I'm really sad now... But she gave me this picture of a mermaid eating a piece of cake that she drew! (The mermaids are a long story.) And I gave her a dog tag (I know it's random) from Cazadero that says "Cazadero Music Camp". I miss her.... D:
So! Swirl trip! I'm on vacation the 16th of July to August 7th! And like the 14th-15th I'll probably be packing, so either the 11th, 12th, 13th, or some day in August which would defeat the purpose of the meeting, because school would start soon. Or, like RIGHT after I get back would be ok. So think about it, and email me what y'all think. Hehe. Y'all.
Mmkees, I'm gonna play The Sims 3 now. Luvs you and adores you all...


Friday, July 9, 2010

The Sims 3

I am obsessed with The Sims 3!! I have a family with a baby (about to become a toddler in 24 sim hours) and a toddler! The baby's name is Emma, while the toddler is Emily! And my sim wants another child! I'm gonna go ahead when both my kids are children, not toddlers... I'm hoping for a boy this time! And my husband is a sex addict. He keeps wanting to "WooHoo" when we just did... Creeper! Yups, that's it. I have to go clear the table now.
Oh! Cooper, did you walk your dog past Grilly's today? Cuz my mom thinks she saw you.
I luvs and adore you all! And I miss you, Cooper! <3


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


OMG I haven't posted in ages!!! I'm sorry cuz I've been at Cazadero (music camp in western Sonoma - so fun), and just kind of the summer "busy"... like busy hanging out and shtuff. Oh! Announcement!


Yah! Because I was vegetarian for my week at Caz and I saw all these really good ideas for veggie meals, and when I came home I just didn't think I could eat meat anymore. I agree that it tastes good and I like meat - it's just that after not eating meat for even just a week, I don't think I can eat it anymore. Yah, that's really my only reason besides the fact that if people don't eat meat, the cow-raising people raise less cows, ergo less cow farts, ergo less methane, and THAT means that I'm saving the world as much as one thirteen year-old can! So, even if you KNOW you can't be a veggie like me, PLEASE try to eat less meat! It saves the environment one steak at a time! Lol, that was funny. :D
Yeah, I'ma go eat some chocolate now. Yommy.
Luvs to yo all!


Sunday, June 27, 2010


Hi! The party was awesome. My nails are neon pink, and my hair isn't as straight as it used to be, but straighter than usual. I also still have traces of eyeliner on, and it makes me look just a leeeetle emo. Oh well, emos are cool except for the cutting part.
Yuhs! That's it. OH! I'm going to Cazadero on Tuesday! Is very excited!
Yah, that's really it.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

La la la laaaaa...

Hewwo people. Today I'm going to Holly's birthday party! We are both 13! In case my dear Cooper is feeling left out, we're going to a salon in downtown MV and having a "pretty party". That's what she called it, I didn't come up with it. So don't feel left out, unless you wanna be "beautified"!
Also, today my mom, brother, and I cleaned the front of the house. It was all spider-webby and gross looking, so we scrubbed it with brushes and brooms and stuff and sprayed it with a hose and now it looks a ton better. And all the bird poop from the birds who sit on the house and eat the spiders is gone, and it looks great. Well, as great as it'll get.
So I got my dad to buy me (I don't have a iTunes account - don't judge!) more Nevershoutnever songs, (Anna I hear you groaning - shuttup) which is awesome, so I can introduce the peeps at the party into GOOD music. Not that what they listen isn't good, but Nevershoutnever (Anna, I thought I told you to stop groaning) is really awesome. I'm saying awesome a lot in this... That what happens when I mention Nevershoutnever (Anna SHUTTUP!! Lol)!!
Yuhs, I'ma go and eat something. I'm so excited to see all my peeps again! Except for Jordan... She does not qualify as a peep. And Cooper! I miss you... D:


Friday, June 25, 2010

Hey Look...

Hi! So I just took an on-line test to see "what my movie rating is" and I'm PG-13!! Check out the picture:

Heh! Isn't that cool? I like the "Party scenes and sensuality". Heh. Means I'm perverted. Well, I am sometimes. Depends on what someone says or does, Yuh.
Yah! That's it. Later...


Thursday, June 24, 2010


Hey there peeps! I just went to the library yesterday (are you all in awe of my nerdiness? You better be!) and am reading a book called Peeps (I'm afraid not the marshmallow ones, or the friend ones), about like biological virus-y thing that makes you superhumanly strong, fast, hate sunlight, and crave human blood! Don't read it while eating grilled cheese sandwiches. It's by Scott Westerfield, the author of Uglies and Pretties and Specials and those, Anna, you know them. (Yommy!) I'm ALSO listening to Catching Fire, as y'all know. LOL. Y'ALL!!! :D
Yup! Movies tomorrow. I just tried on the strapless A&F dress to make sure it's still sexy. It is. And it looks good with my sunglasses! (Daymm I love those shades.)
Yupps! I'm vain. Get over it. :D
So Cooper - about that last post where I said that I wouldn't let myself be stolen away? I'll only get stolen away if it's Destery Moore or Nevershoutnever, but don't worry, cuz Des lives in Idaho, and NSN lives in Missouri. But just in case if I go to a concert with NSN, you should put a sticker on my back saying something like "My Property" otherwise I'm gonna LET myself be stolen away by those awesome people. But they both're so much older...
Oh! And I'm writing a story! Did I mention that before? I guess not. It's kind of a Alice in Wonderland/Narnia hybrid, where a girl is bored out of her skull during the beginning of summer (sound familiar? ;D) and wanders into this new world of talking ferrets!! It's called The Magician's Left Sock. Don't ask, it's a L-O-N-G story. I would copy and paste it, but stupid Blogger won't let me. D: If you know how, tell me cuz I want feedback!
Awwight, I'ma go now! Cya later peeps!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Going to the Movies!

Hey! I'm going to the movies on Friday! (25th) I'm gonna wear my stripey dress, which you can see on the sidebar, and my sexy new sunglasses! (Since I couldn't find the actual ones, look-alike also in the sidebar.) They're purple, and I actually look good in them! Which is a first. because EVERY SINGLE PAIR of sunglasses I have tried on always look awful on me.
I'm not gonna look "desperate-prostitute" or "I'm-trying-too-hard-to-look-hot" because I won't be like that. I'm just going to see Toy Story 3 for God's sake! And so what if I decide to dress up? I emailed my peep Anna Maria and we are both gonna look sexalicious! In a non-slutty way, of course. It's gonna be so fun! But don't worry, my dear husband Cooper, I won't let anyone steal me away from you. I'm keeping faithful, even though I haven't seen you since the 16th!
So right now upstairs with the CD player I'm listening to Catching Fire, the second book in the Hunger Games series. I can't wait to read the third book, which is called Mockingjay I think. Wow! A lot of italics there.
Well, I'm gonna go keep listening. Later, alligators!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Single Singers

Hey! I have 2 new favorite single singers! Not martial status, lol.

1) Never Shout Never, aka Christofer Drew Ingle; favorite song: Can't Stand It
2) Owl City, aka Adam Young; favorite song: Hello Seattle

I like Never Shout Never better, but they both are awesome! You should listen to their songs if you like that kind of music. NSN is acoustic pop, while Owl City is synthpop, but he's releasing songs in July with acoustic guitar and piano.
Yea! Today I started making cookies while listening to Shiver on CD, but the narrators sucked and I didn't have any eggs! So I have the beginning of the dough in the fridge, and my mom is bringing home eggs so I can finish.
Yups, I'ma go now, love ya all!


Monday, June 21, 2010

Hey Guys!

Hey there everyone! So my birthday was Saturday! Yup! I'm 13! I got SO many awesome presents, mostly clothes, a new viola (I play viola for you peeps who didn't know) which sounds GREAT, and $60 in total! I also went shopping and got a haircut the same day.


I ventured into Abercrombie & Fitch cuz I saw a super cute dress and desired it most greatly! (Lol.) So I grabbed it and moved on for more, cuz I had a $100 dollar bill in my purse and wanted to spend it! It was a strapless navy-blue and white striped number, with a thicker band of navy on top, and stripes the rest of the way down. I ventured even deeper (holding my breath) and found a rack of sundresses! I picked up a small and a extra-small of it, and went further in. I tried 'em on, and the pretty stripey one was too big, but I saw one that was basically the same but with thinner stripes, also $10 less! Deal! So I tried that on, and it fit, and so did the small sundress, so I bought both! My mom looked surprised but she didn't say anything, cuz it mas MY money and not hers! The guy at the desk looked surprised when I handed him the $100. I smirked cuz he probably didn't have a 13 year old waltz in and hand him a $100! The total was $81, but I didn't care cuz it was my birthday!
So yeah, my haircut was fun, it looked sexy when it was done! (Hey that rhymed! Lol!) All I did was have the split ends trimmed off and straightened, but it look good.
Yups! I'ma go now, see ya peeps later! Mebbe I post pictures of my purchases!


Friday, June 18, 2010

Lesbian Engaged to a Man?

Hey, isn't Katy Perry lesbian? Then why, in a People magazine, does it say that she's engaged to some guy? (BTW I have nothing against lesbians or gays.)
Ok, gotta go.


Thursday, June 17, 2010


I'm SO lonely, and it's the first day of summer. I've been texting my buddeh Madderz (not her real name) all day, and there's really nothing to do. I was gonna go outside but then it got all windy and shit and I don't like that, so I stayed inside and had a pajama day. Now my brother came home from his computer class in Berkley or something and is upstairs playing Wii with his equally geeky friend Jay. Why can't there be any hot guys in my neighborhood? Even though I'm married... Sorry Cooper.
Oh! Good point here, my birthday is this Saturday! Yup! June 19th! Thing is, I still have NO idea what I want, and it's in two days!!! This has NEVER happened to me before! What I really want is an iPod Touch, but I know my parents will he all like "No you have a perfectly good iPod already it's not even broken" and I'll just be like "Blurgh..."
You can tell that I'm obviously not in the best of moods... And it's the first day of summer! WHY AM I NOT ALL HAPPY AND HYPER AND SHIT? Grrrr!
I'ma go now, I have nothing happy to say... Jeezus I sound depressed... I'm not don't worry I just hope summer gets better.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Tuesday, June 15, 2010

McNears (SP?)

OHEMGEE all I have to say is that McNears (is that how you spell it?) beach was AWESOME!

I would also like to announce that Cooper and I got married today! In his yearbook, I wrote: "Cooper Bontz! Will you marry me? Love, Ella" and he said yes. Yay! So I'm married to him... Again! I used to be married to him, but I divorced him for Destery Moore. The ring I got at Great America is the sign of our love. :D But we're married again. Yay!

Yuppies! I'ma go now........... Last day of school is TOMORROW! Mañana!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSS!!!
Mmmks I'll actually go this time...........


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hey there!!!!!!!!!!

Hey peeps! Ok, FYI here, I'm probably gonna stop doing a post everyday. Maybe like every other day, cuz I'm always either tired or too busy being awesome to post. I almost didn't post today, cuz I went to Muir Beach with my cousin and her peeps (a final goodbye party-Emily's going to live in SF with grandma for her ballet school then leaving in July) and I'm SUPER tired. Jeez, it was a perfect day. I didn't burn, I didn't tan (no suprises there-I'm half-vampire, y'know) and I didn't... Uh... Die? Nevermind.
Yes! What nice weather! At the beach it was super hot but with the perfect amount of wind, so we didn't die of heat strokes. A friend of Emily apparently takes a cooking class, and she brought this AMAZING tart with vanilla custard and all sorts of fruit on top. It was DELICIOUS!! We didn't have any forks so we just ate it with our fingers. Best way.
Yups! School's almost out! I'm trying not to hyperventilate! EEEEEEE! Ok, breathe... In... Out... OOOOO THAT"S WHAT SHE SAID.
Hehehehe I'm going now. Cya peeps!

Friday, June 11, 2010


Hey, sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was SO tired after the zoo (super fun) that I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep! Well, not right away. First, I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, cuz I had been reading it, and then curled up without even taking off my glasses and slept for like 2o minutes. Yeppers.
Ok. I'm done shrieking. Hehe!
I have to make a cake on Sunday for our orchestra party on Monday. Ms. Dong said that last year's cake was "superb" or something like that so I'm gonna make another one. Chocolate with chocolate sprinkles! Yay! I love chocolate. Can you tell?
My cousin Emily's friends are coming at 5:00, for a huge sleepover. 7 people! 7!!!! I'm probably just gonna go up, eat all the snacks (just kidding... only most of the snacks! Hehe!) and then lock the door of my bedroom.
So this weekend is it! Last weekend of 7th grade! I'm hoping I can mosey over to Walgreens tomorrow and buy that blue hairdye. Fun!
Oh. You probably noticed by now, unless you're really unobservant, that I changed my backround of this blog. Yuppers!
I shall ascend to Heaven and leave thou mortals behind me! Farewell!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Close!! Oh boy!!!!!!!

Hewwo! So, finals are over. I think I had a panic attack or something the whole two periods. The Spanish final was easy. Good, cuz I didn't study. The math, however, was a whole different business. SO HARD! I'm sure I failed... Oh jeez I'm so worried about it.
But at least they're over! And I got good news today! I got a 100% on the Japanese vocab test! That's amazing, cuz I studied the night before for about 15 minutes while chatting with my friend on Gmail. And, I got a B on my written book report, and a A on my Japan work. All good enough for me! Especially the book report. I think I only got an A one other time on a written report. The others it was just Bs.
OH! OH! And tomorrow we're going to the SF zoo! OMFG (lol) I'M SO EXCITED!! We get to skip a WHOLE day of school for this! And it'll be fun! I was this excited when we got to skip a whole day of school (also a Thursday... weird) in October to go touring the local elementary schools, and play for them in the orchestra! Wheeeeeeeee! I'm just so excited!!!!! :D
And I just tricked up, yes, I said "tricked up" my bag thast I carry my school stuff in! I covered it in duct tape!!! YESSS! DUCT TAPE!! You people will see it at school. Oh boy!
AND! DUN FORGET THIS! I get to streak my hair! My dear dear DEAR mother said I could, as long as it's not permanent. (Duh.) I'm gonna do a neon blue, and it'll look really cool! I already decided where I'm gonna put it. See, I have this curly part of my hair right beside my forehead (you can kinda see it in the photo at the top of the blog), and I'm gonna put it right behind that! About an inch thick or so. Exciting! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I have to go now, I need to stop hyperventilating.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I'm sorry for the super short post yesterday. Yah.
So after school today, (here comes a list of most of my peeps) Daisy, Emily, Paloma, Jackie, Cooper, Anna Maria, and I went to Swirl, the frozen yogurt place! It was really fun! We all walked down together, and we bought tasty-ness! Swirl is really great. It has a wall of soft-serve frozen yogurt, then the other wall is the toppings! It's 43 cents an ounce, so it's usually around like $3.50-ish. Cooper, Paloma and I shared a bowl (ILY FOR THAT COOPER) and it was berry, cookies and cream and I think something else. Paloma added sprinkles and I had two maraschino cherries. SUPER yommy!!! So we all sat on the ramp in the back and ate and talked. Cooper kept throwing this playing card at me by holding it with two fingers and flicking it. It was funny, and I threw it back at him. Fun fun fun!
But, to ruin the great day... (Cue dramatic music) I HAVE FINALS TOMORROW! My friend DeeDee had the Spanish final today (I don't have Spanish on Tuesdays) and she said it was super long but pathetically easy, and she only had to guess on one hard one near the end. But I'm REALLY REALLY worried about the math final!! You see, math is my worst subject. Sure, I get like B's and stuff, but barely! I'm just super worried!!
Yuppers, I'll go now cuz now all I can "talk" about and think about is the finals.


Monday, June 7, 2010


Hey there people! This'll be VERY short, cuz I have to go to dinner.
I just got back from my viola lesson, which ended at 7:30 in San Rafael. Fun, but it sure makes me hungry near the end!
Order up! My dad just shouted that.
Gotta go! Don't worry, I'll make a long post to make up for this short one tomorrow.


Sunday, June 6, 2010


OHEMGEE! I love saying that! Or, typing that to be exact. But I'm not an exact kind of person. Hehe!
So I just got back from the Farmer's Market in San Rafael! I went with my peeps (Mom, Dad, Emily, Mary, Anna Maria) and it was SUPER hot!!! I was roasting and then we (Emily and Anna and I) went and bought some crepes. They were REALLY REALLY good. Emily and Anna got plain ones with Nutella (hey, look! My name's in there!) and I got one with butter, sugar, and lemon juice! Yommy! I purposely spelled "yommy" like that, by the way.
Yep! Oh, and I made my poll! It's pretty weird! Vote please!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

FINALS (Cue dramatic music)

Hey people! What's up, kemosabes? Hehe, sorry, that's what my friend Jooles used to say in 6th grade. KEMOSABE! :D
So! I've been requested to make another poll, so one will turn up soon! Very soon! Like in 5 or so minutes! I have nothing better to do... Scratch that. I actually do. I have to study for my math final and spanish final! I'm probably gonna fail one of them... I hope it's the spanish, cuz I couldn't care less what my spanish grade is. But math is important to me and my family, so I'm gonna study a lot. Anyone else who's studying for that, could you study with me? I study better with a buddy or someone to keep me on track. Yuppers, so tell me at school on Monday/email me if you can study with me after school or something. Cooper, anyone? I would SO rather study with you guys than my mom. No offense, of course, mom, but you're strict as hell.
My concert was last night! WE SUCKED MONKEY CONDOMS! (LOL!!) We had to start over, and try again... And, it was super hot in the gym and we (Madderz and Kate and Emily) couldn't leave cuz Mr. Carnahan said whoever left once the concert started would get a referral! So, of course we didn't dare.
Yuppers! See you peoples later.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Victory is mine!!

YESS! Today I got my jacket back! It turns out I left it in the library and since the librarians know me cuz I hang out there a lot (I'm such a nerd lol) I got it back today! Woot! So, Cooper, your services are no longer required. *Another virtual hair pat*
Yesterday I watched "Bon Qui Qui" on YouTube. OHEMGEE IT WAS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER!! Here's the link:

Best thing ever! I have to go now, because I'm having a viola concert tonight, and I have to be there at 5:45! So I'm gonna go have an early dinner.
Ok people, I know this was super short, but deal with it! :D


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hey! There are cookies in the oven right now! I'm making them for my orchestra concert tomorrow. Something like White Chocolate Macadamia Nut cookie mix, but I added butterscotch. Ew. I hate butterscotch. It's too sweet. Actually, I should go check on them.


Ok! Back. Not done yet, but getting closer.
So! I'm extremely worried right now, because I lost my jacket (again), but it had my permission slip for the zoo AND the $10!!!!! I'm SO doomed if I don't find it!!!!!!! My mom will be like "WHY DO YOU NEED MORE MONEY" And I'll shrink down and say really quietly "Cuz I, uh, kinda sorta lost my jacket which had it in the pocket and yah please don't hurt me!" Or something along the lines of that.
So Cooper, if you see my jacket anywhere PLEASE give it to me!!! Thanks! *Virtual hair pat* Hehe. Long story for you peeps who don't know Cooper's amazing (is it strawberry flavored?) hair!
Yuppers! Hehe! I say that a lot. Yuppers!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Hewwo everyone! Second of June! 13 days of school left! Or, at least that's what my countdown thing says on my iGoogle (FAIL I spelled it iGoggle the first time) page. Yup! I think it might be 14, but who knows!
So! All of the science classes taught by Mrs. Fischer are going to the zoo! Yes! Next week, on the tenth! it's gonna be really fun!!! EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I'm going to the high school tonight, to see my brother's band concert. It's gonna be boring, but maybe I can sit with someone I know. Like Caroline (even though I don't really like her that much) or Katie or someone!! Anything but just sit and not be able to move from the paralyzing glare of my mother when I yawn. Ok, I was exaggerating there. But I'm gonna be bored... Oh well.
Oh! And also, the ENTIRE 7th grade is going to McNears beach! We get our yearbooks, and then we go there and sign and PARTY! YAY!!!!!! There's a swimming pool (beats me why there's a swimming pool at a beach) and a snack bar full of junk food! Huzzah!
Yuppers! I'll go now, cuz I'm hungry and there's no food in here.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Hey! It's the first of June!!! I LOVE June!!! Why? Well, 1. My birthday is June 19th, 2. School ends this month, and 3. WHY NOT??
Yup! I just really like June. And, the weather is usually pretty nice, which is always a plus.
I'm in a good mood again... Hooray! I'm eating chocolate too. That's always good. Mmmm... Chocolate-y goodness.
Oh, and also, today I announced that my b-day was in 18 days in science class, and Josh KM stood up and asked me if my b-day was June 19th. I said yes, and he said that his birthday was also June 19th! I "humphed" (LOL it says "hump" in there) and said that my birthday must be better than his. Hehe!
Yes! 15 days, including weekends till school lets out! June 16th! Are you all ready? Yippee!

So, in this post, I want all of you peeps who read this blog (not a lot, hehe) so post where they'll be on my b-day and what they're doing over the summer!


Monday, May 31, 2010


So I went to the Memorial Parade today! I got home about an hour ago. It was humid, and I was wearing skinny jeans. Go figure. But I wore a tanktop so my upper body was cool. I kept texting my buddeh Maddie (she was in the parade cuz she's on the Strawberry Seals) and asking her where she was. It was super fun!!! And Cooper (cue squeals) was there too, cuz they both are on the swim team. They had the Strawberry colors under their eyes like war paint, black and red. It was really funny, and Cooper had an awesome king hat/crown thing and Madderz had a little cape that apparently was actually an apron.
Well, it was super fun, and about 2/3 through the parade my cousin Emily saw her friends, and Cooper (it turns out her friend Taylor is Cooper's older sister) walking to Swirl (the new frozen yogurt place) so we all went along. That place is amazing! But, the sad thing is, my friend Anna Maria's parents used to own the place where Swirl is now. It was called Lollipop (LOL the first time I wrote Lollipop I spelled it "lollipoop") and it was a icecream/candy store. It was TOTALLY awesome, and the best part was, since Anna and I were like celebreties there, we got free icecream and candy all the time!! :D
But it's still a cool place and Cooper and I sat out back on the ramp and ate our frozen yogurt and talked. It was really fun (I'm mentioning Cooper a lot, aren't I? Hehe) but then I had to go cuz I didn't want to walk home alone, so I bid farewell to Cooper (there I go again! ILY Cooper <3 haha heart emoticon fail) and ran to the spot where my peeps and I watched the parade.
Yuppers! It was a great day. And there is like two weeks and a half of school left! PAR-TAY! Yes, I just said "par-tay". What now.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

We Are the World

So right now I'm listening to "We Are the World 25 for Haiti" on iTunes. Ah, there goes Miley Cyrus. A decent singer, you know. Justin Bieber starts with the first, like, three lines. It's actually a great version of MJ's song... You should hear it.

Here's the URL:

It shows some pictures of Michael Jackson when he was black.... And there goes the GREAT rap part! I'm not a fan of rap, but this is an awesome section.
"We are the world/We are the children/We are the ones who make a brighter day/So let's start giving..."
Very good song. Yah.
So tomorrow I'm going to the Memorial Parade! My cousin and I, always so eager to earn money, are thinking about selling watermelon agua fresca (much simpler than it sounds. Toss some cubed watermelon and water into a blender and press "blend". Then add sugar to your tastes) or cake. But I just made some cake (I'm a big baker. I started last summer.) so I think we'll stick with the agua fresca. I hope we can make enough for all of us... My family loves the stuff, and we only have one of those small watermelons. We'll see how it works out.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Super fast! Zoom!!

This will be very fast: I was just on RoflRazzi and i found these two videos of Justin Bieber walking into a glass wall because he was doing that hair flick-y thing, and just failing at a revolving door. Here are the URLs:

Wall fail:

Glass revolving door fail:

They are SUPER DUPER funny!!!!



Hooray! It's a wonderful Saturday! The sun is smiling down upon my face! Wow, that was pretty corny. But it's SUCH a nice day! My sliding glass door is open as far as it can go! :D I just LUURVE sunny days!
Yesterday my mom looked at my face over the dinner table, and said to me "You got too much sun today." And I was like,
"Yup. I hung at the field with Nick and peeps today."
I dunno why I told you that. I hope I didn't get a sunburn on my nose! I can't tell because I just took a shower and my face it still red from all the hot-ness and stuff. Not how hot I am, the steam and super hot water. Y'know.
Whenever I take off my glasses, you can see that I have a LOT of freckles. Sometimes my cousin wails that she has so many freckles from swim team, and I say, "Hey, I have a lot of freckles too." And she doesn't believe me, so I always have to take off my glasses to prove to her that she's not the only one with freckles. I don't mind them as much as she does, though.
Yuppers! I guess I'll go now, cuz I have nothing to say.


Friday, May 28, 2010

:D Smiley!

:D Hello! So what's up in your life? My day was a typical Friday. We played Ultimate Frisbee and my team won by four points! What an awesome game.
At lunch I hung out with Nick, Maddie, Mario (Nick's friend), and Max (also Nick's friend) at the field. Then Holly (my friend), Anna (also my friend), and Cooper (my teddy bear! Also my ex-husband, buts that's a really long story) came and hung out too. So it was a big hang out-fest! Luckily Jordan (Anna and Holly's friend who I dislike immensely) wasn't here today, so it wasn't ruined by her b****ing at me and my friends! Did I ever mention I like parentheses? (I really do.)
So yeah! It's a three-day weekend because of Memorial Day this Monday, and I'm going to the parade! I hope the weather holds, because it's a super nice day even though there are giant clouds in the sky. It's sunny and warm and the perfect weather!
Can you tell that I'm in a good mood?


Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hey! Same day, as you can see, as the post from my Spanish class with mah bestest buddeh Daisy. Saying that, it must be "mah bestest buddeh", not "my bestest buddy". It just how it works, y'know?
So, I'm practicing handstands right now. Well, not right now, cuz right now I'm typing this post. But I was, and I will continue after I finish this post. I'm practicing handstands because my friend Nick is a ninja at handstands and frontflips and stuff like that, so I'm gonna try and see if I can slowly master a handstand as well as he can. Actually, he does more of a headstand than a handstand, but its really the same thing to me. Except your head is on the ground in a headstand, and the other it isn't.
But its pretty hard! Without a spotter (rock climbing speak and also gymnast: A person who watches you and catches you if you fall, and guides you more gently to the ground), it is VERY hard because I'm afraid of falling and hurting myself. Call me a wimp but its very true!
I have to go set the table now. Good luck with your life!


spanish class!

I'm in Spanish class with my BESTEST BUDDEH DAISY!!!!! YAY!!! HOORAY FOR BESTEST BUDDEH-NESS!! We're supposed to be recording our Spanish story about a handsome potato named John Lennon but we finished and we have like 15 minutes. So, yeah. Hooray! (from Daisy)
We shall go now, cuz I'm nervous about getting caught.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hewwo! That's my favorite way to say hello. Hello is so boring... know what i mean? EVERYONE says hello. It's translated in millions of languages.
Hallo-german (not very creative)
Halo-Malay (still not very creative)
Ola-Galician (weird-must be latin roots, same pronunciation as spanish "hola")
And what's up with all the translations beginning with "h"s? People really need creativity. But hey, I LOVE Google Translator, so, any excuse to use it is fine by me!
I'm ranting, aren't I? My English teacher does that. And my Spanish "maestra". I tune out most of the time. But I'm not really ranting... I'm "blathering". Isn't that a great word. BLATHER!!! Hehehe.
So I'm working on how to transfer videos from my video camera to this computer, because I really started recording my thoughts at the beginning of this week. I'll have to ask my brother, the geek. Or my dad, papa-geek. The camera is actually my brother's, but I use it more than he does.
I shall go now! See ya peoples later! Or write you later... but don't get me started again!