Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Hi guys! What's up? I'm sitting wearing 2 pairs of socks and my Ugg boots, and a towel wrapped around my head. My feet are FREEZING and I just took a shower. That helped but now my hair is cold and wet. D:
I just wish the weather would get better.
Oh! Oh! I already know what I'm going to be for Halloween! A princess!
It's a pretty long story, but here we go:
When I was 5ish, like all other girls, I wanted to be a princess. My mom was a seamstress in college, and she makes all my Halloween costumes. Of course, sometimes Halloween was too far away, so I would demand that she make a princess dress. According to her, there were 2 or 3. A pink dress, a blue one, and maybe there was another. But the one I remember was the blue! It was silky and smooth, and there were fake diamonds and a big centerpiece blue (plastic) jewel in the center of the shirt. To me, it was the most glamerous thing in the world. I wore it a LOT. Like, to the point of "Come on, honey, it's bedtime, take off the dress." "No, no, no! I'm a pwincess!"
Well. I had my ideas, and she had hers. Lets say that her logic won over mine.
But I know for a fact that my mom keeps the costumes she made (and still makes) for me in a box in the garage. So I am going to find that glamerous blue dress, and make another, except a lot bigger, of course.
Yeah! And I can't wait to find it. I'll take a picture of it and post it when I find it, I promise.



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