Saturday, June 26, 2010

La la la laaaaa...

Hewwo people. Today I'm going to Holly's birthday party! We are both 13! In case my dear Cooper is feeling left out, we're going to a salon in downtown MV and having a "pretty party". That's what she called it, I didn't come up with it. So don't feel left out, unless you wanna be "beautified"!
Also, today my mom, brother, and I cleaned the front of the house. It was all spider-webby and gross looking, so we scrubbed it with brushes and brooms and stuff and sprayed it with a hose and now it looks a ton better. And all the bird poop from the birds who sit on the house and eat the spiders is gone, and it looks great. Well, as great as it'll get.
So I got my dad to buy me (I don't have a iTunes account - don't judge!) more Nevershoutnever songs, (Anna I hear you groaning - shuttup) which is awesome, so I can introduce the peeps at the party into GOOD music. Not that what they listen isn't good, but Nevershoutnever (Anna, I thought I told you to stop groaning) is really awesome. I'm saying awesome a lot in this... That what happens when I mention Nevershoutnever (Anna SHUTTUP!! Lol)!!
Yuhs, I'ma go and eat something. I'm so excited to see all my peeps again! Except for Jordan... She does not qualify as a peep. And Cooper! I miss you... D:


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