Saturday, August 7, 2010


Hi everyone! I just got back roughly an hour ago from Canada! it was nice and warm there, and sunny, and REEEEEEALLY nice... and I get home and its fricking FOGGY. Grawr!
So I missed you all, and you should get postcards from Canada. I'm saying this now cuz it takes AGES to send stuff from Canada to CA, so mebbe you JUST got them. Whatevs.
I have to go pick up my guinea pigs from their little hotel at my bro's friend's house.
Luvs ya all!



  1. IT WAS WARM AND SUNNY THERE. I loath Canada. Hope you had a good trip. Also, I got your postcard. You had said it would take a long time for me to get it, and I at when you sent it and it said Wednesday and I had gotten it on a Wednesday. But then I noticed the date. You had sent it exactly a week before. I feel stupid.

  2. DON'T YOU DARE HATE CANADA! Even the border guards with absolutely no sense of humor are awesome!
    Hahaha, don't worry, I still love you.

  3. I didn't say I hate Canada. I said I loath Canada. There's a difference. And I bet the border guards were cool. Anyone guard with a gun who is not trying to kill you is awesome. And I love you too. Thanks for not hating me.

  4. :D Loathing is just a fancy word for hating. All the guards have sunglasses, so you can't see if their eyes crinkle as they're trying not to laugh. We're planning on a way to make them laugh next year.

  5. Ok. Im not even sure I had the right word. What I mean to say is i'm jealous of Canada. Hows that? And the guards wear sunglasses? Do they even have guns? They better. Tell me some of your ideas to make them laugh. See ya soon. <3

  6. Jealous of Canada? Cuz I love it? Hmm. I'm pretty sure they have guns, cuz what kind of guard doesn't? We're planning on putting a lifesize model of R2-D2 in the front seat (my dad and bro are Star Wars fans) and when he looks at us funny or asks what it is, my dad'll say "These are not the droids you're looking for." And I'm betting he'll laugh, but they're trained (we think) not too.

  7. Well, I'm jealous because they have such nice weather. Did you see the guns? I want proof. I've never seen a lifesize R2-D2. Try and get it on film. Like have someone just a small distance away with a camcorder.

  8. I dunno, the security on the Canadian/USA border is pretty... er, secure. They would ask why we were taping him, and we wouldn't know anyone else crossing the border.
    I don't have proof. Next year I'll try and take a picture if you really want me too.

  9. Well, did you see the gun? If he did have a gun, how big was it? Or was it just a handgun pistol sort of thing? I guess the camcorder would be a little suspitious. You could just tell him what you were doing. But then he would try even harder not to laugh. SO MANY PROBLEMS!

  10. I know! The world is against me. D:
    You can't really see the gun unless the guard has super long legs, cuz they have little door thingys in the booths and they go up to their waists so you can only guess what hangs from their belts.

  11. Little door thingys? What exacly does that mean?

  12. I dunno... Like, doors that only go up to their waists?
    Let's move this conversation to my latest post, it's getting really long.
