Thursday, June 17, 2010


I'm SO lonely, and it's the first day of summer. I've been texting my buddeh Madderz (not her real name) all day, and there's really nothing to do. I was gonna go outside but then it got all windy and shit and I don't like that, so I stayed inside and had a pajama day. Now my brother came home from his computer class in Berkley or something and is upstairs playing Wii with his equally geeky friend Jay. Why can't there be any hot guys in my neighborhood? Even though I'm married... Sorry Cooper.
Oh! Good point here, my birthday is this Saturday! Yup! June 19th! Thing is, I still have NO idea what I want, and it's in two days!!! This has NEVER happened to me before! What I really want is an iPod Touch, but I know my parents will he all like "No you have a perfectly good iPod already it's not even broken" and I'll just be like "Blurgh..."
You can tell that I'm obviously not in the best of moods... And it's the first day of summer! WHY AM I NOT ALL HAPPY AND HYPER AND SHIT? Grrrr!
I'ma go now, I have nothing happy to say... Jeezus I sound depressed... I'm not don't worry I just hope summer gets better.



  1. NO HOT GUYS. WHAT THE HELL. I CAN READ. Man. Now I'm in a bad mood.

  2. Awwwww I'm sowweeeeeee! *Hugs Cooper* There's just no one my age in my neighborhood. That's all, don't be all "jealous-hubby" on me. Lol.

  3. neighborhood, as in, the general area where you live?

  4. Yeah, as in my street and the streets around it? Cuz you can't really walk anywhere from my house except to Tam High.

  5. Lol, you seemed so "jealous husband" there. Well... Mario Batki does live somewhere near me, cuz I see him walking to school. But he's most definitely not classified as hot.
