Monday, May 31, 2010


So I went to the Memorial Parade today! I got home about an hour ago. It was humid, and I was wearing skinny jeans. Go figure. But I wore a tanktop so my upper body was cool. I kept texting my buddeh Maddie (she was in the parade cuz she's on the Strawberry Seals) and asking her where she was. It was super fun!!! And Cooper (cue squeals) was there too, cuz they both are on the swim team. They had the Strawberry colors under their eyes like war paint, black and red. It was really funny, and Cooper had an awesome king hat/crown thing and Madderz had a little cape that apparently was actually an apron.
Well, it was super fun, and about 2/3 through the parade my cousin Emily saw her friends, and Cooper (it turns out her friend Taylor is Cooper's older sister) walking to Swirl (the new frozen yogurt place) so we all went along. That place is amazing! But, the sad thing is, my friend Anna Maria's parents used to own the place where Swirl is now. It was called Lollipop (LOL the first time I wrote Lollipop I spelled it "lollipoop") and it was a icecream/candy store. It was TOTALLY awesome, and the best part was, since Anna and I were like celebreties there, we got free icecream and candy all the time!! :D
But it's still a cool place and Cooper and I sat out back on the ramp and ate our frozen yogurt and talked. It was really fun (I'm mentioning Cooper a lot, aren't I? Hehe) but then I had to go cuz I didn't want to walk home alone, so I bid farewell to Cooper (there I go again! ILY Cooper <3 haha heart emoticon fail) and ran to the spot where my peeps and I watched the parade.
Yuppers! It was a great day. And there is like two weeks and a half of school left! PAR-TAY! Yes, I just said "par-tay". What now.



  1. Rawrs! I was in it and you didn't even see!

  2. I know! I was very sad. D: *cries tears of platinum*

  3. Anna. I just want you to know that I saw you in the parade. You were on the huge truck playing the guitar. I din't say hello because you were in the middle of a song and I didn't want to distract you. Sorry.

  4. I. MUST. GO. BACK. TO. SWIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
