Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Black Ops

Ok. Black Ops for X-Box 360. It came out recently. You shoot, blow up, and generally kill people with large guns, assorted grenades, and rocket launchers. And, for a bonus feature, the place the trailer "There's a Soldier in All of Us" is set in looks like Afghanistan. Um, what the shat? Seriously? This is retarded. I don't have a problem with video games, in fact I love Zelda, but this is stupid. I'm not gonna go full steam on the "teaching kids that violence is fun" speech, but jesus. I maybe biased 'cause I don't like war games, but this seems a little over the top.
Thanks for "listening" to that rant. If you read it all, I love you and you're a trooper.

Love, Ella

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Christofer Drew and the Shout?

Um... Weird news. Never Shout Never is now "Christofer Drew and the Shout", or C Drew and the Shout.
I guess it's ok. But I liked Never Shout Never better. It used to be C Drew and the Shout just for the tours, but now it's always that.
Here's what he said in an interview about how he's going more rock-y on the next album:

You’ve said you’re going to go in a rock direction with your next record. Why? I’m kind of sick of this band and the negative connotations with the band. I want to start over and start something new. I think people have the wrong idea about us. I want to bust out the Stratocaster and play some feel-good @#!*% . I’m just a kid playing music. There’s a bunch of kids playing music, and if (my fans) are really into this acoustic stuff, they can find 100 other kids doing it.
Yup. Whatever, if he wants to, he wants to. He also has grown a mustache. A small one. That was weird for me, but he likes mustaches. I do too, but fake ones. Oh well.
Love, Ella:3

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's November.

Happy November! A little later, but whatever.
So, what's up? Here's what's happening with moi:
1) My AY project is due on the 8th. I hope I finish it...
2) I met a very hot individual guy on Omegle when I slept over at Daisy's house with Serika. He was kind of a ginger, but not really, and looked like a 8th grader from last year. Except hot. He was lying down with no shirt on (wink wink) and we didn't have mikes on (it was nighttime wherever he was) and so we just kind of smiled at each other a few times and talked about music. One time he said "my dad is coming in oh no!" and he closed the laptop so I got a nice view of his chest before it closed... For like 3 minutes it was just black then he came back, and I was like "lol that was close" and he was like "yeah", but like a minute later he left suddenly. I guess his dad came in or something. But he was very hot. And I met a nice guy who was 18 named Kyle. He was very nice.
3) I don't know... I like cookies? :D
4) Jerry hasn't answered my questions on Formspring in a while... I'm kinda sad.
5) I want a nickasaur! shirt. Like super badly. They're really cute... I'll have a picture on the side of the text.

Yupps! Listening to nickasaur!, working on my Ay... Life is pretty good, despite the science.

