Friday, October 29, 2010

Little Short Story

Ok, so I'm a devout vegetarian. And today, I didn't notice that there was chicken in my pad thai until I chewed it up. Of course I spat it out right away, but I felt super depressed and sick. I go downstairs, lock myself in my room, sit a few minutes and sort of sulk, then go on YouTube onto Comifcire7's channel. Instant happiness... I feel so much better. Thank you Jordan :)

Just sayin', people.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Officially the Best Night EVAR.

Oh my god, that was seriously the best night of my life. We missed Carter Husley, and half of I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business. I wanted to see Carter Husley, and I was texting Serika and she said he was great! So that made me sad. I didn't really care about I Can Make a Mess (etc), and when we got there, we watched about two songs, then went and waited in the merch line. We could hear them just fine, lol.
The Warfield is surprisingly small! I liked it though. There was a balcony with seats and a few tables, I think, then there was the General Admission pit where people stood, and then tables and a bar. Anna's dad sat at the table, while Sydney and Anna and I stood outside the pit during The Maine (WHO ROCKED!!) but we went into the pit during Never Shout Never.
The Maine was really really REALLY good. The lead singer wore skinny jeans, cowboy boots, and a bathrobe! It was hilarious! And he talked to the crowd, and threw back the bras girls threw on stage (lol!), and was really nice to the fans in front. He asked them if they were ok, and this one girl who must have looked faint or something, he bent down and asked her if she was ok. She must have been like "Yeah, now that you just talked to me!" It was really sweet! So they rocked live. I have to get more iTunes money to buy their songs coz I have none! The songs I recognized and sang along to were "The Right Girl" and "Girls Do What They Want". They played a lot more, but I didn't know the lyrics.
And then came along Christofer Drew.
Oh my god. Chris was so good live! Best thing was, he was really happy! Like, smiling and dancing around the stage and even hopping! Which I didn't think he would do, because on the Warped Tour 2010 he was hopping during a song, and he hurt his ankle.
Everyone, like, screamed the lyrics to the songs, but he had the mike of course so we all heard him. First he played "Harmony", then "Love is Our Weapon". And I think it was the last chorus (where he goes "HEY!") when confetti and banners fell on the pit! It was great! Then, I think he played "I Just Laugh", then a reggae version of "Trouble", then "I Love You More Than You Will Ever Know", then "Piggy Bank", I think next was "I Love You 5", (I'm sure I'm missing some songs -- he played about thirteen) then Bigcitydreams, and during the last verse (this middle west town is gonna miss you), he hopped up on the speaker at the left corner of the stage, threw away the mike, and pointed at us, and we all screamed/sang the last lyrics. That song was supposed to be last, but then everyone was screaming "One more song!", so he came out and played The Past. And that was it!
I can't explain how awesome it was. I really can't. Maybe, if I get Serika to send me the videos she tape don her Flip, I'll post them. I was taping The Maine on my phone, but right before Chris came on it died! I know, right? Fml.
So I bought a Love is Our Weapon tee-shirt, and since all I had was $20 that's all I could buy. But Sydney bought me a What Is Love wristband that I am NEVER EVER gonna stop wearing. And, when the confetti fell? It turned out that some guitar picks fell down too! I found one on the floor. It says "C Drew and the Shout" on one side, and a peace sign on the other. Anna got hit with one (hehe) that says "Harmony" (the album name) on one side, and a drawing of the earth with a #1 on it.

It was just great. Wow. I love you Chris. I love you The Maine. But I especially love Chris.

Obai peeps!


Thursday, October 21, 2010




And my mom isn't gonna be driving, because for some reason she didn't get a ticket (lol). So she won't be Tasering any guy who comes within 10 feet of me! Yay! Coz there might be some hot guys there... (Wink wink.)

Ha. I'm not gonna hook up with someone. Anna's dad is gonna be there. So my mom will drop me off at her house, we'll get ready, then go get Sydney, and go to the city and eat dinner, then walk (ugh) to the concert. IT IS GONNA BE AWESOME. Nuff said.

And we're gonna meet Daisy and Serika there, and we're gonna text each other to find where they are in the Warfield so maybe we could run over and stuff. AHH. I'M SO. EXCITED. WHEEEE!

I should go before I spazz out.



Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hai there everyone! Its me! Um... Yay!
So, I haven't posted in a while. Here's what's going on:
1) The NSN concert! Anna, Sydney, and I are going, and Daisy and Serika are too, but we aren't sitting together coz we have separate tickets and shtuff. But we'll wave at each other! Yay!
2) The Halloween tour! It'll be fun! We get to skip school! Yay!
3) I started drawing manga faces! I have no idea why. I suck at drawing but for some reason I can draw pretty good manga! Weird shit, man.
4) The science project.... Ugh, it's not fun. I'm SO sick of making cheese, it takes FOREVER and its boring once you've done it more than twice. I have to do it I think 4 more times. Blehh.
5) Literature circle in English class... Nick, and a few other peeps and I are reading a book called Peaceful Private. It's pretty depressing! In like the first 15 pages his dad gets squished by a tree! :D
6) School. Blehhh. Nuff said.
7) I've become like a "regular" on Jerry's Formspring... Hehe! Daisy thinks it's creepy. I don't see why! I actually care what he says. I ask him a question or two every day. He answers one... Maybe every week? I don't know. But it's nice when he does. I feel like he cares, although I'm just some anonymous girl who likes him a lot. Whatever!

Yups, lots more but not interesting(ish). Ok byee!



Friday, October 8, 2010

Hey There!

Hi people! As you can see (or probably not coz one reads this, but when I'm famous and we have touch-sensitive technology on walls, you will rescue this blog and show it to the public. You just wait.) I changed my name to Ella:3. Yeah, I was tired of Ellsa Bellsa, and I felt like using my real name.
Yupp! I'm in love... Jerry and I are getting married in the summer. The theme is buttery yellow and light blue... our favorite colors. <3
Daisy's gonna be one of the bridesmaids... Lol. We'll see how that turn out. I LOVE YOU DAISY!
I made a picture in Tech today! It's amazing. I know. I need to resize it, coz it's a little too big, but when I'm done it will be even better. I love Photoshop! I really wish I had a Mac, SO bad. I'll post the picture on the side!
I also made a poster-thingy that had a ton of vegetarian things, like "vegetarian and proud" and the Japanese characters for vegetarian... It's pretty awesome. But I need to fix a few things, then I'll post it too.
Ok, I'ma go eat some snacks now. Bye peeps! Love you all!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nobel Prize for Physics!

Ohai there! I'm very bored and am procrastinating! Pretty cool yo:D
My science homework is to write about the Physics Nobel Prize winner. Who is it? Lemme google him, hold on.


It's two dudes! Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov won the Physics Nobel Prize! That's pretty fly, yo! Lol Daisy reference.

Byebye peeps, homework calls!



Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ella Loves Someone New

OfficalBAMF. Yeah! He's awesome. I just started watching his videos today and he's so cool!
And the best thing is that he's 15! It seems like a ton of the YouTubers I like are 17 and higher. But he's 15 which is frickin' awesome!
Daisy always shows me the best YouTubers. Ella loves chu Daiseh! <3
Ok, go check out Jerry. Or die:D



Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy October!

Happy October everyone! Hope you guys have a fantastic month:)

Ok, what's happening this month:
1) The Never Shout Never concert
2) Halloween
3) My orchestra's tour of the elementary schools
4) Uh... That's it, I think:)

