Monday, May 31, 2010


So I went to the Memorial Parade today! I got home about an hour ago. It was humid, and I was wearing skinny jeans. Go figure. But I wore a tanktop so my upper body was cool. I kept texting my buddeh Maddie (she was in the parade cuz she's on the Strawberry Seals) and asking her where she was. It was super fun!!! And Cooper (cue squeals) was there too, cuz they both are on the swim team. They had the Strawberry colors under their eyes like war paint, black and red. It was really funny, and Cooper had an awesome king hat/crown thing and Madderz had a little cape that apparently was actually an apron.
Well, it was super fun, and about 2/3 through the parade my cousin Emily saw her friends, and Cooper (it turns out her friend Taylor is Cooper's older sister) walking to Swirl (the new frozen yogurt place) so we all went along. That place is amazing! But, the sad thing is, my friend Anna Maria's parents used to own the place where Swirl is now. It was called Lollipop (LOL the first time I wrote Lollipop I spelled it "lollipoop") and it was a icecream/candy store. It was TOTALLY awesome, and the best part was, since Anna and I were like celebreties there, we got free icecream and candy all the time!! :D
But it's still a cool place and Cooper and I sat out back on the ramp and ate our frozen yogurt and talked. It was really fun (I'm mentioning Cooper a lot, aren't I? Hehe) but then I had to go cuz I didn't want to walk home alone, so I bid farewell to Cooper (there I go again! ILY Cooper <3 haha heart emoticon fail) and ran to the spot where my peeps and I watched the parade.
Yuppers! It was a great day. And there is like two weeks and a half of school left! PAR-TAY! Yes, I just said "par-tay". What now.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

We Are the World

So right now I'm listening to "We Are the World 25 for Haiti" on iTunes. Ah, there goes Miley Cyrus. A decent singer, you know. Justin Bieber starts with the first, like, three lines. It's actually a great version of MJ's song... You should hear it.

Here's the URL:

It shows some pictures of Michael Jackson when he was black.... And there goes the GREAT rap part! I'm not a fan of rap, but this is an awesome section.
"We are the world/We are the children/We are the ones who make a brighter day/So let's start giving..."
Very good song. Yah.
So tomorrow I'm going to the Memorial Parade! My cousin and I, always so eager to earn money, are thinking about selling watermelon agua fresca (much simpler than it sounds. Toss some cubed watermelon and water into a blender and press "blend". Then add sugar to your tastes) or cake. But I just made some cake (I'm a big baker. I started last summer.) so I think we'll stick with the agua fresca. I hope we can make enough for all of us... My family loves the stuff, and we only have one of those small watermelons. We'll see how it works out.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Super fast! Zoom!!

This will be very fast: I was just on RoflRazzi and i found these two videos of Justin Bieber walking into a glass wall because he was doing that hair flick-y thing, and just failing at a revolving door. Here are the URLs:

Wall fail:

Glass revolving door fail:

They are SUPER DUPER funny!!!!



Hooray! It's a wonderful Saturday! The sun is smiling down upon my face! Wow, that was pretty corny. But it's SUCH a nice day! My sliding glass door is open as far as it can go! :D I just LUURVE sunny days!
Yesterday my mom looked at my face over the dinner table, and said to me "You got too much sun today." And I was like,
"Yup. I hung at the field with Nick and peeps today."
I dunno why I told you that. I hope I didn't get a sunburn on my nose! I can't tell because I just took a shower and my face it still red from all the hot-ness and stuff. Not how hot I am, the steam and super hot water. Y'know.
Whenever I take off my glasses, you can see that I have a LOT of freckles. Sometimes my cousin wails that she has so many freckles from swim team, and I say, "Hey, I have a lot of freckles too." And she doesn't believe me, so I always have to take off my glasses to prove to her that she's not the only one with freckles. I don't mind them as much as she does, though.
Yuppers! I guess I'll go now, cuz I have nothing to say.


Friday, May 28, 2010

:D Smiley!

:D Hello! So what's up in your life? My day was a typical Friday. We played Ultimate Frisbee and my team won by four points! What an awesome game.
At lunch I hung out with Nick, Maddie, Mario (Nick's friend), and Max (also Nick's friend) at the field. Then Holly (my friend), Anna (also my friend), and Cooper (my teddy bear! Also my ex-husband, buts that's a really long story) came and hung out too. So it was a big hang out-fest! Luckily Jordan (Anna and Holly's friend who I dislike immensely) wasn't here today, so it wasn't ruined by her b****ing at me and my friends! Did I ever mention I like parentheses? (I really do.)
So yeah! It's a three-day weekend because of Memorial Day this Monday, and I'm going to the parade! I hope the weather holds, because it's a super nice day even though there are giant clouds in the sky. It's sunny and warm and the perfect weather!
Can you tell that I'm in a good mood?


Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hey! Same day, as you can see, as the post from my Spanish class with mah bestest buddeh Daisy. Saying that, it must be "mah bestest buddeh", not "my bestest buddy". It just how it works, y'know?
So, I'm practicing handstands right now. Well, not right now, cuz right now I'm typing this post. But I was, and I will continue after I finish this post. I'm practicing handstands because my friend Nick is a ninja at handstands and frontflips and stuff like that, so I'm gonna try and see if I can slowly master a handstand as well as he can. Actually, he does more of a headstand than a handstand, but its really the same thing to me. Except your head is on the ground in a headstand, and the other it isn't.
But its pretty hard! Without a spotter (rock climbing speak and also gymnast: A person who watches you and catches you if you fall, and guides you more gently to the ground), it is VERY hard because I'm afraid of falling and hurting myself. Call me a wimp but its very true!
I have to go set the table now. Good luck with your life!


spanish class!

I'm in Spanish class with my BESTEST BUDDEH DAISY!!!!! YAY!!! HOORAY FOR BESTEST BUDDEH-NESS!! We're supposed to be recording our Spanish story about a handsome potato named John Lennon but we finished and we have like 15 minutes. So, yeah. Hooray! (from Daisy)
We shall go now, cuz I'm nervous about getting caught.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hewwo! That's my favorite way to say hello. Hello is so boring... know what i mean? EVERYONE says hello. It's translated in millions of languages.
Hallo-german (not very creative)
Halo-Malay (still not very creative)
Ola-Galician (weird-must be latin roots, same pronunciation as spanish "hola")
And what's up with all the translations beginning with "h"s? People really need creativity. But hey, I LOVE Google Translator, so, any excuse to use it is fine by me!
I'm ranting, aren't I? My English teacher does that. And my Spanish "maestra". I tune out most of the time. But I'm not really ranting... I'm "blathering". Isn't that a great word. BLATHER!!! Hehehe.
So I'm working on how to transfer videos from my video camera to this computer, because I really started recording my thoughts at the beginning of this week. I'll have to ask my brother, the geek. Or my dad, papa-geek. The camera is actually my brother's, but I use it more than he does.
I shall go now! See ya peoples later! Or write you later... but don't get me started again!